Dr.Pattama Wattanapanich try to present this research in order to analyze the factors of performing and the process of creating Thai performing arts in ASIAN class. The research found out that the 10 performances have creative performing arts and Thai contemporary art styles. |
The delineation of Thai performing arts works in ASIAN Class byDr. Sathaporn Sonthong
อาจารย์ ดร. ปัทมา วัฒนพานิช
The delineation of Thai performing arts works in ASEAN Class by Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong
Dr.Pattama Wattanapanich
Researcher applied the Choreography, the objectives are to research and analyze the factors of performing and the process of creating Thai performing arts in ASEAN class. Thai Performing Arts in ASEAN is the work of Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong that appears in ASEAN Arts and Culture organized by The Association of Southeast Asia Nations, established on August 8th 1967. The members are Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar. From the researching of the delineation of Thai performing arts in ASEAN class from 1984 to 1996, found out that most of the works belong to Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong. The delineation was done by high level choreography aimed to specially study 10 shows of Thai performing arts of Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong on ASEAN performing stage, which are very outstanding, have perfect composition and creating process by compiling and analyzing the information by the process of researching. Thus the data compiling, data studying, data synthesis, data analyzing and conclusion as a report. Which in data analyzing, researcher had planned the additional research procedure, divided into 2 steps as follow. 1. Step of experiment by using the principles from compiling data to be trial in teaching about grace directing 2.Step of evaluation by assigning students to present the creating dance posture works for 4 times, classified and divided for the use of analyzing the structure of dance posture to be the procedure of researching afterwards. 10 performing works are consisted of Loy Kratong Festival, Trilogy Tropic, Blissful Garden, The Forest Life, New year Celebration on The Hill, The Jubilation, Brave and Beauty of The North, Incredible Isan, Roong Leela and Manorah. The creator spilt the point into 2 subjects, which are:
1.The composition of performance, consisted of style and the way of performing, dancing posture, deploying, music and costume. 2.Creative process, consisted of inspiration and the concept of thinking, technique, grace, property and value of works. The research found out that these 10 performannces have creative performing arts and Thai contemporary performing arts styles. The method of creating is to compose the materials, performing reinterpret, literature interpreting, creating imagination and story to be related and connected, having background in connecting stories. Dancing posture are designed by using Thai dancing arts pattern, local performing arts, western performing arts and of Thai drama performance as the base and concept in designing by inventing new dance posture with the method of creating and developing the role play dance posture, human natural gesture, toe dancing, dance from the meaning of the song, dance from arrangement of the show, dance from the way of life and living, movement of mountain tribes and Thai local dancing in of north and northeast regions. Moreover, the designs of deploying are new and several. The process of creating has its standard and is universal. The method of making inspiration in each performance depends mainly on the ability of the creator and the conditions of ASEAN to control performing direction. In order to make the works creation in ASEAN class succeed and be internationally accepted, the creator need to have experience , knowledge about creating art from making and consuming various performances and understand the main point of high level performing arts. That way they can perfectly convey performing arts works. 10 Thai performing arts in ASEAN class indicated the identity and unique. The quality of Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong’s works is widely accepted and well known in public as she is known as a professor in creating performing arts and was invited to be an performance invention instructor at Chulalongkorn University, expertise in creating dancing posture at Srinakharinwirot University and expertise in creating works at Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University. Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong is likewise the pioneer of new method for performing arts industry by applying the knowledge from working with artists in ASESN for decades, and consistency in learning new knowledge. For example drawing, western dancing and speaking foreign languages. These made Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong become the professor in creating. Students who have got to study with Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong would apply her method till her method become the model of creating works in the performing arts industry until now.
Thai performing art is a type of performing which combined one’s national culture and convey by dancing in different ways and combined as unique to reflect and show the way of living, philosophy and point of view of every social class. As time passed, Thai performing art has been gradually disappear as each period of generation changed. This causes the evolution and development regularly. In each development and change aimed to occur new knowledge discovering method of pushing Thai performing arts to move ahead to international class The Association of Southeast Asia Nations have the objective to coordinate in helping each other in agriculture, industry, commerce and also support peace to provoke economic growth to progress in social, art and culture. Which can get help and support in funding, managing, as well as being proceed byJapanese government. ASEAN runs the activity under the management of the board of ASEAN whilst the ASEAN Committee on Culture and Information or COCI has board to coordinate culture national and information responsible for related projects in different sections as follow;
1.Project of Visual Arts and Art of Performing
2.Project of ASEAN Studies and Literature
3.Project of Print Media and Personal Media
4.Project of Radio, Television (electronic Media), Video and Movie
In art of performing, they organized ASEAN art and culture, in order to make bond of culture connection, it is the development of works quality to produce performing work in ASEAN Performing Arts Festival. Works that are invited to show in this ASEAN class festival are classified as international level of high work quality which consisted of procedures and methods which are universal. For instance, the procedure of creating an inspiration, the placement of idea and process of creating, designing dance posture and the presentation of the show as well as procedure of making performance and professional working. Each part is according to the standard principle and work creator must have experience and not attached to the same old limit. The deftness of Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong in creating Thai performing art works can develop the pattern of performing, quality of performers and alsocreate different techniques which can be used to present the works to international level in ASEAN Art and Culture Festival from 1980 onwards, under the Office of Performing Arts. Fine Arts Department of the Ministry of Culture is responsible directly for producing art works, developing Thai performing arts and spread it internationally which have performing artist who are expertise, famous and well accepted among the field of educating thai performing arts in national level in creating creative performing arts works. Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong is one of the pupils that is trusted by her ladyship Phoe Sanitwongseni, the national artist in the branch of performing arts in 1985. To be her assistant in directing the performance, planning dance posture, controlling and training as well as getting delivered the knowledge and pattern of dance posture along with the method of creating many types of works. This made Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong succeed in creating ASEAN performing arts works till her works are accepted by International Arts and Culture Organization and was invited to present her ASEAN performing arts works from 1980 to 1996. The method in creating is inherited the knowledge in studies in each subject of Choreography and making research. Moreover, Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong also took responsibility in teaching and giving special lecture for many institutions and announced as the Artist in Residence of Chulalongkorn University in 2012. Many education institutions for example Chulalongkorn University, Srinakharinwirot Prasanmit University, Bunditpatanasilpa Institute, Ministry of Culture, Naresuan University and Bansomdejchaopraya Tajabhat University had invited Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong to lay the foundation for teaching the subjects which are related to the creating of Thai performing arts. Nowadays, this field of studies is found to have document and textbook in studying, while the researching of data is very rare, especially the textbook and study materials of the subject of creating dance posture, dance invention and subjects that are related with grace. In the past, educating in performing arts was the face to face type of conveying knowledge. Teacher and pupil can only memorized, no lecture nor textbook in studying. So ones would lost the contents and detail. Researcher can see the problem in researching, so would like to research more and analyze to find method of recording academic document to be the evident and hope to make the good use for education in this field as we have more source of knowledge and make it the same direction of understanding in universal academic. Researcher will compile as class materials for student in performing arts field majoring in Fine Arts Studies and Faculty of Education for Bansomdejchaopraya Tajabhat University, as well as compiling it as the source of information to support Thai performing arts to enter international level in the future
To study the works and analyze performing factors along as well as the creating of Thai performing arts works in ASEAN class.
1. get Choreography study materials
2.To get the method of creating Thai performing arts works as universal standard
3.To get the information in studies in the subjects of Dance Invention, Choreography and Contemporary Dance for students in performing arts field, majoring in Fine Arts Studies and Performing Arts Studies, Faculty of Education of Bansomdejchaopraya Tajabhat University
4.To get information to researching and studying for pushing Thai performing arts to international level
Researcher aimed to study and analyze Thai performing arts works of Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong who was invited to be the representative of Thailand to join ASEAN Performing Arts Festival from 1980 to 1969. 10 performances for case study as follows 1.Loy Kratong Festival 2.Trilogy Tropic 3.Blissful Garden 4.The Forest Life 5.New Year Celebration on The Hills 6.The Jubilation 7.Brave and Beauty of The North 8.Incredible Isan 9.Roong Leela 10.Manorah
1.Tools in collecting data For tools in collecting data , researcher had designed and make the following tools
1.1 Non-Participant Observation
1.2 Interview
1.3 Experiment
2.Collecting the Data Researcher had planned the collecting of data and analyzing ASEAN class performing arts works of Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong by the following ways of compiling data
2.1 Collecting Elementary Data -study paper data from books, academic document and related research
2.2 Fieldwork Collecting Data -Non-participant observation such as watching VCD of the 10 ASEAN performance arts works of Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong -Interview: researcher used the tool which was designed and made for open-end interview about her biography, performing work, work experience in national class and international class as well as her principle of creating works by interviewing.
2.3 Data Synthesis -Dividing group: researcher classified and divided the collected data, and divided dance postures into 2 types.
2.4 Recording Data Researcher record data collected from fieldwork as follow -Take not in notebook and computer -Record voice with digital voice recorder -Taking photo with digital camera
3.Data Analyzing – Researcher analyzed the collected data as follows
3.1 Creation Works
3.1.1 Factors of Performance Analyzed by watching VCD of VCD of the 10 ASEAN performance arts works, using computer to capture the photos and classified in groups in topics of photo and method of performing, dance posture, deploying, music and costume.
3.1.2 Creating Process Analyzed by using digital voice recorder, digital camera and test the collected data from the interview to analyze, then divide the analyzed result into the following topics; inspiration and concept, technique, grace, unique and value of works. Once one get all the data needed, take writing note.
4.Conclude Step To resent the result of analyzing, researcher chose descriptive analysis together with the picture to get the result of the method of creating Thai performing arts in ASEAN class by Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong, and spread in academic document in the subjects of Dance Invention and Choreography for performing arts students majoring in Fine Arts Studies and Faculty of Education students at Bansomdejchaopraya Tajabhat University.
The result of analyzing of The Analysis of Thai Performing Arts of Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong in ASEAN Class. Conclude the research and analyze 10 performances, which are Loy Kratong Festival, Trilogy Tropic, Blissful Garden, The Forest Life, New year Celebration on The Hill, The Jubilation, Brave and Beauty of The North, Incredible Isan, Roong Leela and Manorah. From the research, researcher found out that the creator applied high level of choreograph principle to create her work, by divided into 2 parts, as follows
1.The composition of the show, divided into 5 points:
1.1 Style and technique
1.2 Dance Posture
1.3 Deploying
1.4 Music
1.5 Costume
2.Creating Process, divided into 5 points:
2.1 Inspiration and Concept
2.2 Technique
2.3 Grace
2.4 Unique of Performing
2.5 Works
Value The element of dancing performance appears to have main method as the style and technique of performing, dance posture, deploying, music and costume. Researcher found out that these 10 Performances are creative and Thai contemporary performing arts, had been composed and perform reinterpreted. The interpreting of literature, imagining in making the related and have background to connect the stories. Dance postures are designed by applying the pattern of Thai dancing posture, local performing arts, western performing arts, Myanmar-Mon performing arts and Thai drama performing. Invented new dancing postures by creating and developing fromrole play dance posture, human natural gesture, toe dancing, dance from the meaning of the song, dance from arrangement of the show, dance from the way of life and living, movement of mountain tribes and Thai local dancing in of north and northeast regions. Moreover, there are the variety of new deploy pattern, for example line formation, zigzag line, slant line, parallel lines, semicircle line and arched entrance. For the music, using only the rhythm as 5 notes (fa, do, sol, la, do) to compose and make new song, emphasize in playing fast and slow beat, using northern musical band and Thai orchestra. Costume base on the former costume of each performance combine with the contemporary style in some of them, for instance Manorah, using the wings and tail of King Ka La bird from the combination of Myanmar-Mon and Thai performing arts costumes. In the creating process, found out that there are universal method of creating, specified as Inspiration and Concept, technique, grace, unique of performing and works value. Making inspiration in each performance depends mainly on the creator and ASEAN conditions which control the direction and concept of the show. The important point is that creator must be experienced and have knowledge of creating arts works and have watched variety of the show, thus one can perfectly convey the performance works to interest the audiences and make them focus on the show all along. 10 performances have their specialty which is called ‘performing unique’ which obviously belong to Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong. For using performing technique, the combination of foreign countries’ performing arts or reinterpreting different types of performance and present in more interesting way, especially the dance postures have the grace of role play, expressing the feeling as if it’s the real situation, as well as creating personal performing unique. Make it more splendid and interesting by applying western performing style. Above research results are all important in creating Thai performing arts works of Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong not only make her become accepted in performing arts field, but also cause the equality of work quality as universal standard.
The result of this research visualized the method of creating Thai performing arts works of Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong in ASEAN class. Researcher have conclude in points as follows
1.Use the method of dance invention, as follows:
1.1Preparing procedure has set the specification of the themes, specification of dance frame work, specification of the form and style and specification of the element of dance presentation of each performance.
1.2 Performing procedure has selecting the dance posture, must consider transition, dance continuity, progression, harmony of dance posture, unity and diversity, have show’s highlight and dancer’s interaction. Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong’s principles correspond to Surapon Virunrak’s basic dance invention principles.
2.Have the same creating of performing arts direction as Professor Narapong Jarassri. In performing procedure, it is totally different from the reference principle. Because Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong’s style of performance is Thai contemporary performing style, created base on Thai performing arts pattern, local performing arts and combine with other category of arts along with unique style concept, choreograph technique, as well as consistently searching for new inspiration. So the identity of creator or artist make one’s works interesting, valuable and be have honor to be presented in ASEAN class. 3.This research is considered to be valuable and useful in making academic document for Choreography subject and subjects which are related to gracing. To be the path of studying about creating Thai performing arts work and add more academic document for students or people who are interested. 4.All 10 performance works of Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong that have been analyzed be researcher, show the identities and unique of Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong, which can learn from the perform works that applied Thai contemporary performing style by combining Thai performing style with western and Myanmar Mon style. Composing stories, making new inspiration, reinterpreting old literatures and creating new dance gestures beyond former dancing style. These make her become accepted, known as a professor of creating performing arts and was invited to be an instructor for Choreograph subject at Chulalongkorn University, Dance gesture Invention subject at Srinakharinwirot University, Creation of Arts Works subject at Bunditpatanasilpa Institute, Rajabhat Suansunandha University and Choreograph Directing subject at Naresuan University and Bansomdejchaopraya Tajabhat University. Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong could be considered as the forerunner of the new method of performing arts field by applying the accumulated knowledge and experience from working with ASEAN class artists for decades, and always learning new knowledge, for example drawing, western dancing, using foreign languages. These make Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong become highly talented in creating performing works. Students who have learnt with Dr.Sathaporn Sonthong have principle in creating, and are able to perfectly create the performing arts works.
Other than high dance invention principle, there is also performance managing and management of performing abroad, which depend on the specific experience and creator must have creativity, high imagination as well as leadership and reason in making decision, and well capable for facing problem. Because to maintain performing arts, those who related must have deep knowledge, in order to efficiently preserve, develop and spread performing arts in the right way.
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