Category Archives: วิทยาศาสตร์ คณิตศาสตร์ และเทคโนโลยี

A hybrid projection method for solving a common solution of system of equilibrium problems and fixed point problems for asymptotically strict pseudocontractions in the intermediate sense in Hilbert spaces.

Chatchawan Watchararuangwit, Pongrus Phuangphoo  and    Poom Kumam (2012).    

                              A hybrid projection method for  solving  a  common solution of  system

                              of  equilibrium problems and fixed point problems for  asymptotically strict

                               pseudocontractions in the  intermediate sense in Hilbert spaces.”

                              Journal   of Inequalities  and  applications.  Vol 2012 : 252

                              Doi : 10.1186  / 1029 – 242x – 2012 -252 ( ISI  2012  Impact  Factor  0.82 )

วารสารวิชาการ Journal of Inequalities and Applications


An iterative procedure for solving the common solution of two total quasi -φ- asymptotically nonexpansive multi-valued mappings in Banach spaces.

Pongrus Phuangphoo  and    Poom Kumam (2013).   An iterative procedure for     

                   solving the common solution  of two total quasi –φ– asymptotically

                   nonexpansive  multi-valued mappings in Banach spaces.”

                   Journal of Applied Mathematics  and  Compuing, Doi : 10.1007 /

                   s 12190 –  0120630 – 4 , 18  pages. ( Scopus )

วารสารวิชาการ  Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing


Existence and Modification of Halpern-Mann Iterations for Fixed Point and Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problems with a Bifunction Defined on the Dual Space.

Pongrus Phuangphoo  and    Poom Kumam (2013).   Existence and Modification of

                  Halpern-Mann Iterations for  Fixed Point and Generalized Mixed

                  Equilibrium Problems with  a Bifunction Defined on the Dual Space. ”

                  Journal of Applied Mathematics  Vol. 2013,  Article ID 753096,

                  14  pages. ( ISI   2012  Impact  Factor  0.834 )

วารสารวิชาการ Journal of Applied Mathematics


The common solutions of complementarity problems and a zero point of Maximal monotone operators by using the hybrid projection mehod.

Khanittha Promluang.  Pongrus Phuangphoo  and    Poom Kumam (2016).

                The common solutions of complementarity   problems and a zero point of

                 Maximal  monotone operators by using the hybrid  projection  mehod. ”

                  International  Journal of  Mathematics  and  Computer  in  Simulation,

                  Vol.10, 2016,  pp. 152 – 160. ( Scopus )


Existence and approximation for a solution of a generalized equilibrium problem on the dual space of a Banach space.

Pongrus Phuangphoo  and  Poom Kumam. (2013)   Existence and approximation for

                a solution of a generalized equilibrium problem on the  dual space of  a

                Banach space. ”   Fixed Point  Theory  And   Applications, Vol. 2013

                22 pages.  ( ISI   2013  Impact  Factor  2.49 )

วารสารวิชาการ Fixed Point Theory and Applications


Modified block iterative procedure for solving the common solution of fixed point problems for two countable families of total quasi-φ-asymptotically nonexpansive mapping with applications.

Pongrus Phuangphoo  and  Poom Kumam. (2012).   Modified  block  iterative

                procedure  for  solving  the common solution of fixed point problems

                 for two countable families of  total   quasi-φ-asymptotically nonexpansive

                mapping  with applications. ”   Fixed  Point  Theory  And   Applications.

               Vol. 2012  (198 ), 23 pp.  ( ISI   2013  Impact  Factor  2.49 )


วารสารวิชาการ Fixed Point Theory and Applications


Approximation theorems for solving common solution of a system of mixed equilibrium problems and variational inequality problems and fixed point problems for asymptotically strict pseudocontractions in the intermediate sense.

Pongrus Phuangphoo  and  Poom Kumam. (2012).  Approximation theorems for   

              solving common solution of a system  of mixed equilibrium problems and

              variational inequality problems  and fixed point problems for asymptotically

              strict pseudocontractions   in the intermediate sense.”   Applied Mathematics

             and Computations. Vol. 21,  pp.837 – 855. ( ISI   2012  Impact  Factor  1.35)

วารสารวิชาการ  Applied Mathematics and Computation


A New Hybrid Projection Algorithm for System of Equilibrium Problems and Variational Inequality Problems and Two Finite Families of Quasi-φ-Nonexpansive Mappings

Pongrus Phuangphoo  and  Poom Kumam. (2013).  “ A New Hybrid Projection    

             Algorithm for System of  Equilibrium  Problems and Variational Inequality    

             Problems and Two Finite Families of Quasi-?-Nonexpansive Mappings”

              Abstract  and  Applied  Analysis,  Vol. 2013,  Article  ID 107296,

             13  pages.  ( ISI   2012  Impact  Factor  1.102 )


Community Self-assessment Plan following the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy : Case Study Wat Pruranawas Community, Tawiwattana, Bangkok, Thailand

Community Self-assessment Plan following the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy : Case Study Wat Pruranawas Community, Tawiwattana, Bangkok, Thailand (อาจารย์พรทิพย์ เหลียวตระกูล)

Direk Tongaram 1
Prakan Gerdmeesuk 2
Suteera Thatreenaranon 3
Tuangthong Patcharaprutipakorn 4
Pornthip Liewtrakul 5
1Department of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Technology and Innovation,Bangkokthonburi University, Bangkok 10170
2Department of Educational Administrator, Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University, Bangkok 10170
3Department ofMarketng, Faculty of Bussiness Administrator, Bangkokthonburi University, Bangkok 10170
4Department of InformationTechnololgy, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bangkokthonburi University, Bangkok 10170
5Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bansomdejchaopreya Rajabhat University, Bangkok 10600


    Objective of this research is for evaluation on sufficient economy for community development: Case study in Wat Pruranawas community Tawiwattana Bangkok Under the framework model to evaluate “CIPP Model” follows a study to evaluate the context and significance of the project goals and objectives and criteria for the community plan and budget of the project to assess the inputs. Learn about the budget and personnel (staff and community leaders) in the process of evaluating the learning process of community planning community. The participation of citizens in the community and the consistency of the projects listed in the plan with the community and the community to assess the productivity of projects or activities that receive funding to solve community problems. The population in this study, People in the Wat Pruranawas community of 368 people calculated the sample size by using Taro Yamane formula which 192 samples were used in the questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, average, and standard deviation. The research found that assessing the overall context is moderate. Evaluating the inputs are moderate assessment process as a whole at a high level.

Keyword: Community Self-Assessment Plan.



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