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SciVerse ScienceDirect Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2013) 000–000 |
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13th International Educational Technology Conference
Ruaysup Deshchaisria*, Saroach Sopeerakb
ab Educational Technology Department, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Thailand.
This research is aimed to study factors effecting network learning resource center for the elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan. Those factors studied must have influenced the provision of effective learning center in academic institutions and must have facilitated the contribution of learning experiences among the community people while the learning media are always developed and the communication are made through the learning network which link the local academic institutions and urban areas. The population used in this study is 96 people of administrators, instructors and school personnel from 24 primary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan. The data has been analyzed by descriptive statistic methods which are percentage, mean and standard deviation in order to describe the results derived from behaviors forecasting using the data multivariate analysis regression. The results found are that:- 1) The first factor studied is emphasized on instruments which should be provided in the network learning resource center for primary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan are actually served to the students entering the center for self-learning with the most value 3.97 of mean (S.D. = 0.71) and the least mean is derived from provision of computer units in the center for students to search information themselves and for the coordination among schools with its average value 3.40 of mean (S.D. = 0.78). 2) The second factor is emphasized on application of languages used in information technology and educational communication for the learning administration in network learning resource center. It is found that there has been searching information from websites for teaching and learning preparation and there has also been usage of applied software programs for teaching methods which effect to the highest 3.93 of the mean (S.D. = 0.76) and the least is derived from using of information technology and education communication for producing learning media with average value of 3.58 of mean (S.D. = 0.99). 3) The third factor is emphasized on media and instrument used in the network learning resource center. It is found that there has been adequate personal computers provided by the academic institutions and those computers are applicable and up-to-date and there has also been sufficient compact and applied programs that effect the highest value 3.93 of mean (S.D. = 0.76) and the least value was found on the audio-visual media which have been supplied adequately at the average value of 3.30 of mean (S.D. = 068). 4)The fourth factor is about the supportive actions derived from network learning resource center towards the information technology and educational communication through academic activities and skills for teachers in schools or school groups of Bangkok Metropolitan. It is found that learning activities prepared by school instructors result the highest value 3.95 of mean (S.D. =0.76) and the inferior value is deprived from listening the instructors’ comments and encouraging them for applying knowledge and skills in using media learnt from the network learning resource center to apply for further factual preparation of learning and teaching with its average value 3.93 of mean (S.D. = 0.76). From the study, it is clearly notified that the trend of network learning resource center for schools of Bangkok Metropolitan will be applicable under this convention:- Policy and Strategy Administration highly possible mean 3.93 (S.D. = 0.76) Building and Location Administration fairly possible mean 3.40 (S.D. = 0.78)Management and Finance Administration highly possible mean 3.79 (S.D. = 0.68) Personnel Administration highly possible mean 3.73 (S.D. = 0.69) Statistic and Reports Administration highly possible mean 3.97 (S.D. = 0.71) Public Relation Administration highly possible mean 3.58 (S.D. = 0.99)
© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of The Association of Science, Education and Technology-TASET, Sakarya Universitesi, Turkey.
Keywords: Network Learning ; Resource center
The required qualifications defined in item 3 of the purposes of Basic Education Standards issued in 2554 B.E. are hereto:-
“Learners need to be educated as well as international education levels are provided and they are required to realize all steps of global alternatives and technology development. It is very important for learners to be trained with skills, management capability, communication methods and usage of modern technology. Learners need to know how to revise their attitude and apply their working methods for appropriate areas and related parts of learning network resources of which the following basic procedures have been managed for related academic agencies:-
There has been provision or management of effective learning resources in academic institutions and community for being searching resources where experiences can be exchanged among academic institutions and with other communities.
The researcher has realized those problems occurring in those communities and has aimed to study factors affecting the format of network learning resources for elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan. Hopefully, this study will be advantageous and can be an approach for further developing network learning resources for elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan.
To study factors which influence the format of network learning resources for elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan.
Expected Outcomes
From this study, the factors influencing the format of net work learning resources for elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan will be recognized and its outcome will be used as developing approach by management levels for supporting the network learning resources.
Study Concept
These following independent and dependent variables have been defined for the study concept:-
There are 3 types of inputs in independent variables:
Inputs which are
– Inputs 1 include necessary information should be provided for network learning resources for elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan.
– Inputs 2 are the application of Information technology and educational media for being learning services within network learning center.
Contributing factors are readiness of media materials and equipment in the learning center.
Supplementary factors are learning centers which provide information technology and educational communication through activities provided for increasing skills for teachers in elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan.
Dependent variables are the format of network learning resources provided in elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan.
To study those factors, related documents and research articles related have been studied including the National Education Act of 2542 B.E., computer network systems, library network process, organization management, personnel administration, physical services in learning center for network resources and other related foreign articles.
Study Methods
These following methods have been used in this study:-
Population used in this study is 96 people of 24 elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan including administration levels, teachers, academic personnel who have related responsibilities in learning services of each school where its format of the learning resource management is unclear.
Tools used in this study are questionnaire consisting of 6 parts:-
Part 1 – General information for the questionnaire respondents
Part 2 – Inputs
Part 3 – Contributing factors
Part 4 – Supplementary factors
Part 5 – Possible variables
Part 6 – Suggestions from the questionnaire respondents concerning possible formats for the network learning resources for elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan
To produce tools used in this study, these following processes were managed hereto:-
1. Studying document and research articles concerning the format of network learning resources for elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan
2. Designing questionnaire following to the study concept and the objectives of the study
3. Proposing of the designed questionnaire to the advisor for her comments which will be used for revising the appropriate contents, statements and language used in the questionnaire of which its consistency was reviewed by the specialist
4. Trying out the designed questionnaire to search for reliability of the questionnaire
5. Reliabilities of all questions set in the questionnaire was 0.812
6. Revising and editing before the complete set of questionnaire was printed out
Data Information Collection Method
The researcher herself propagates the approved questionnaire to collect data information. The duration for between propagating and collecting the questionnaire is 3 weeks and the researcher herself collect the number of questionnaire as set following to the number of population.
Statistics used for data analysis
Descriptive statistics which are percentage , mean and standard deviation was used for analyzing the data characteristics. After that the regression was used to analyze the data information and to forecast behaviors herewith:-
1. Independent variables of inputs influence the format of network learning resources for elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan showing the relationship between behavior forecast and information perception behavior with its statistic at .05.
2. Independent variables of contributing factors influence the format of network learning resources for elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan showing the relationship between behavior forecast and information perception behavior with its statistic at .05.
3. Independent variables of supplementary factors influence the format of network learning resources for elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan showing the relationship between behavior forecast and information perception behavior with its statistic at .05.
4. Dependent variables of possible format: the relationship between format of network learning resources for elementary schools of Bangkok Metropolitan and information perception behavior showing its statistic at .05.
Comments and suggestions
Comments for this study
1. There has been limitation in the number of population used for this study. In addition, duration for collecting data needs to be expanded also.
2. Some parts of population used in this study lack knowledge of the study information because the schools used for the study are pilot schools which lack learning resource centers and some data information collected is only imagery and it is not collected from actual practice.
Suggestion for further studies
Connection between each type of learning media used in the network learning resources and satisfactory of users need to be further studied for further appropriation.
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