Effect of AG2O Doping on some Physical Properties Y145 Superconductor
รัตนสุดา สุภคนัยสร
Theerathawan Panklang 1, a *, Rattanasuda Supadanaison 1, b, Chalit Wanichayanan 1, c, Adullawich Kaewkao 2, d, Tunyanop Nilkamjon2, e,
Pongkaew Udomsamuthirun2, f, Somporn Tiyasri3, g, Wirat Wongphakdee3, h, Thitipong Kruaehong4, i, Piyamas Chainok5, j“
1Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, 1061 Soi Itsaraphap 15, Hiranruchi, Thon Buri, Bangkok 10600, Thailand
2Prasarnmit Physics Research Unit, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
3Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
4Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Suratthani Rajabhat University, Surat Thani 84100, Thailand
5Department of General Education, Faculty of Science and Technology, Pathumwan Institute of Technology, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
a[email protected], b[email protected], c[email protected], d[email protected], e[email protected], f[email protected] g[email protected], h[email protected], i[email protected], j[email protected]
Keywords : Y145 Superconductor, Solid state reaction, Silver-doped.
Abstract. In this paper, the Y145 superconductor doped Ag2O were synthesized by solid state reaction. The calcinations and sintering temperature were at 920 0C and annealing temperature was at 550 0C. The highest critical temperature was in Y145+0.1Ag sample with Tc onset at 96 K and the lowest was found in pure Y145 at 95 K. We found that the surface of Y145 superconductor was improved by Ag adding on the porous structure.
The Y123 (YBa2Cu3O7-x) is the first superconductor having critical temperature higher than the boiling point of liquid nitrogen that was synthesized by Chu and coworkers [1] in 1987. After this discovery, the YBaCuO superconductor has spurred a lot of interest by scientist all around the world because of the low cost of using that make it easier for applied in various areas. There are two importance properties of superconductor in superconductivity state i.e. zero resistance and magnetic levitation that can be used for the supermagnet and high speed train etc.”
The critical temperature (Tc) of this high temperature superconductor sensitively depends on both the holes concentration in the CuO2 planes and the relative concentration of the oxygen within the planes [2]. After that the various elements are added in YBaCuO system for the proposal to increasing the critical temperature (Tc) and critical current density (Jc) that can be applied in [3-5]. To improve the electrical properties of superconductor, Ag is one of the candidates because it can be filled in the intergranular space that can enhance the critical current density without changing the critical temperature [6, 7].
Shao et al. [8] prepared the Y123 superconductor by using Y2O3, BaCO3, CuO as starting materials. The Ag, Ag2O, AgNO3 were added into Y123 power to investigate the effect of Ag on Y123 superconductor. They found that the Ag-doping does not cause any district microstructure change of Y123 superconductor that Ag located at the pores contributes to strengthening and improving the critical current density of material. Rani, Jha and Awana [9] prepared Y123 and reported the effect of Ag addition on superconducting performance of Y123 superconductor. The powder of Y2O3, BaCO3, CuO and Ag2O was used as the starting materials. The calcination at 870°C, 890°C, and 910°C with sintering temperature at 920°C were done. They found that the grain size is increase with Ag doping until the maximum value then decrease. Recently, the new formula of YBaCuO superconductor were synthesized as Y5-6-11, Y7-9-16,Y358, Y5-8-13, Y7-11-18, Y156, Y3-8-11, and Y13-20-23, where the numbers indicate Y, Ba, and Cu atoms respectively [10, 11]. After this, Chainok et.al [12] studied the YBaCuO superconductors having one Yttium atom that Y123 (YBa2Cu3O7-y), Y134 (YBa3Cu4O9-y), Y145 (YBa4Cu5O11-y) and Y156 (YBa5Cu6O13-y). The sintering temperature at 950oC and 980oC were used for synthesized their samples. The critical temperature in range 88-94°C was found. Chainok et.al [13] synthesized and characterized the physical properties of YBa2Cu3Ox (Y123) and YBa4Cu5Ox (Y145) superconductors by solid state reaction and melt process. They found that the critical temperature onset of Y145 is 94 K and 96 K for solid state reaction and melt process, respectively. The peritectic temperature of Y145 is 1018°C.
There are four formula of YBaCuO that having one Yttium atom in unit cell i.e. Y123, Y134, Y145 and Y156 proposed by Chainok et al. [13]. The Y123 superconductor has been investigated completely. We use the data from Y123 to be our guideline. There was little data from Y145 then we interested in Y145 superconductor. We synthesized Y134 superconductor doped Ag2O by solid state reaction and investigated the effect of Ag2O addition on the critical temperature of Y134 superconductor.
Experimental Details
We synthesized the YBa4Cu5AgxO9-δ (x = 0, 0.05, 0.10) by standard solid state reaction method with the appropriate amount of 0Y2O3, CuO, Ag2O and BaCO3. After mixed and ground with mortar and pestle, the powder was kept in alumina crucible and heated at 9200C for the calcination process. Although the peritectic temperature of Y145 superconductor is about 1080°C but the melting point of silver oxide is about 280°C. However, the research of Rani, Jha and Awana [9] studied the effect of silver on Y123 superconductor by using Ag2O addition with the calcination temperature at 870°C, 890°C, and 910°C and sintering temperature at 920°C. They also found some effect of silver on Y123 superconductor. Then we used the calcination and sintering temperature at 920°C. After calcinations the materials was ground to enhance chemical homogeneity. The homogeneous powder was pressed to form of pellets before sintering. These pellets sintered in air at 920°C and the final annealing at 550°C was done. The surface morphology of as samples obtained had been investigated by scanning electron microscope (JSM-5600). The electrical resistivity has been measured by standard four probe method.
Fig. 1. Shown the normalized resistivity versus temperature of Y145 and Y145 with Ag-doped superconductors
Results and Discussion
The resistivity measurement depending on temperature of our samples obtained was conducted with four-point probe technique in range 78-120 K as shown in Fig. 1. And the summation of Tc onset and Tc offset were shown in Table 1. Here, the Tc onset temperature was taken as the temperature at which the tangent of the resistivity versus temperature curve intersects with the tangent of the part where resistivity dropped abruptly and Tc offset was defined as the temperature at which the resistivity readings reached zero.
The highest critical temperature was in Y145+0.1Ag sample with Tc onset at 96 K and the lowest was found in pure Y145 at 95 K. Our critical temperature found was in the same range of YBaCuO superconductor [10-13]. Here, Chainok et.al [13] found the critical temperature onset of Y145 superconductors at 94 K and 96 K prepared by solid state reaction and melt process.
Fig. 2. The SEM images of Y145 and Y145 doped silver.
From Fig. 2, we found that the surface of Y145 superconductor was improved by Ag adding on the porous structure.
The Y145 superconductor doped Ag2O were synthesized by solid state reaction. The calcinations and sintering temperature were at 920°C and annealing temperature was at 550°C. The highest critical temperature was in Y145+0.1Ag sample with Tc onset at 96 K and the lowest was found in pure Y145 at 95 K. We found that the surface of Y145 superconductor was improved by Ag adding on the porous structure.
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